Important: TWSCS application deadline and NCS registration renewals reminders
Please see the important reminders below.
TWSCS Application Deadline
As communicated last week, the deadline to complete amendments to a TWSCS application form, should you need to do so, is close of business Tuesday, 30th June (tomorrow).
If you have been contacted by Pobal to amend an application or you believe that you need to, please do so as soon as possible. See the Amending a TWSCS Application Form + Viewing TWSCS Payment Calculation guidance document for example scenarios and step-by-steps guides on how to amend an application accordingly.
Pobal are unable to verify that any changes to the application forms are correct until another verification check is performed with Revenue. This is scheduled for the week ending 3rd July.
Final payments under the scheme should be made on week ending 10th July up until 17th July.
NCS Registrations Renewals
All existing pre-COVID-19 registrations have been automatically end-dated. This was done to alleviate some of the administrative pressure on service providers at this busy time.
However, this does mean that services must re-register CHICKs for the children who are now attending. This is to be done on the Early Years Hive and a step-by-step action sheet on re-registering is available here. This has been updated on the previous version shared on 19th June.
If your service is reopening this week, it is very important to update your registrations as soon as possible and ensure that parents confirm the registration via the Parent Portal before submitting your weekly returns. You will not receive payment in instances where a parent has not confirmed the registration.
Note that the return due date has changed from a Wednesday night to a Tuesday night.
Please see the FAQ on NCS re-registrations for more information.
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