- Have any questions?
- Tel: 094 96 22540
- Email: info@roscommonchildcare.ie
Welcome to Roscommon County Childcare Committee’s Childminding section. On this page you will find useful information and resources to support you to set up and conduct your childminding business. Roscommon CCC staff team are available to support you during your childminding business journey.
If you are a childminder or are interested in becoming a childminder, Roscommon Childcare Committee provides a number of supports.
What supports do Roscommon CCC offer to Childminders:
Click here for Roscommon CCC- Childminding Poster
What is a Childminder:
On Monday 30th September 2024 Tusla’s Early Years Inspectorate will begin accepting applications for the registration of childminding services. Childminding regulations will only apply to self-employed childminders providing a service caring for children in the childminder’s own home. Childminders can apply for registration through a dedicated portal, accessed at www.tusla.ie. Tusla will provide a supportive compliance approach by working with childminders to help them achieve registration.
Regulations and Explanatory Guidance below:
Childminding Registration Process
Click here for Early Years Inspectorate – Childminding Services
Click here for Tusla Website: I would like to register as a Childminder
Click here for Tusla Childminder Frequently asked questions: Childminding Services – FAQs
Tusla Childminding mailing list: If you would like to join Tusla’s mailing list for access to information and resources relating the regulation of Childminding please complete and submit the form below. Tusla will use the list to send you emails with information on registration and related processes. Click here to subscribe to the Childminding Information Mailing List
The Childminding pre-registration training is a mandatory course for anyone who intends to register with Tusla for a childminding service.
To take this training course you must be:
If you are unsure as to whether or not you are eligible to register with Tusla, contact your local Childminding Development Officer for information and support.
The aim of the training programme is to help you:
To register your interest in attending a Pre-Registration course, please click on the link to complete the expression of interest form: Click here for the PRT expression of interest form
For further information please contact us on 094 96 22540 or email childminding@roscommonchildcare.ie
As part of the national Child Protection policy, the National Vetting Bureau must vet those people intending to work or are working with children or vulnerable adults. A vetting statement will show applicants if there are any convictions or prosecutions pending or completed recorded against them in the Republic of Ireland or elsewhere.
Barnardos’ Vetting Service processes childminder’s applications for Garda Vetting for free, unless research is needed in other countries where you have lived for more than 6 months.
Click here for more information on Barnardos’ vetting service
To apply, phone Barnardos on 021 4547060 or email vetting@barnardos.ie
Website: www.barnardos.ie
Child Safeguarding:
Click here for the National Child Safeguarding Programme for Early Learning & Childcare Services
Click here for the Always Children First Tusla – Child and Family Agency training link
The Department of Children, Equality, Diversity, Integration and Youth Launched the National Action Plan for Childminding 2021-2028 in April 2021. Click on the links below for more information in relation to the plan.
Website full URL – https://www.gov.ie/en/campaigns/df207-national-action-plan-for-childminding-2021-2028/
Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/nationalactionplanforchildminding
YouTube channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCbDzj7-W-ptvqOFk0ysiYQ
NAPC video ENG – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnRYczchryY&t=8s
NAPC video GA – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuiR66nvTJk
First 5 is a whole-of-government strategy to improve the lives of babies, young children and their families. It is a ten-year plan to help make sure all children have positive early experiences and get a great start in life.
The First 5 strategy uses evidence to identify goals, objectives and the specific actions required from across Government to support children (and their families) in the early years of life. First 5 commits to major initiatives on family leave, children’s health services, parenting supports, child-friendly communities and Early Learning and Care services among a broad range of actions. The strategy will significantly enhance early childhood and make a huge contribution to the lives of young children, society and the economy over the short, medium and long term.
Each year the Department of Children Equality Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) makes funding available for Childminder’s. The same scale grant of €1,000 is available to Childminders, who are registered with Tusla or Voluntary Notified to Roscommon Childcare Committee. Other eligibility criteria apply, including completion of the ‘Quality Awareness Programme’ and Proof of Insurance.
The Childminding Development Grant can be used to purchase toys, educational materials and equipment or make some minor household adaptations to assist the Childminder in developing a quality service.
**The Childminding Development Grant for 2024 is closed**
Introduced in 2014, the Learner Fund is an initiative of the Department of Children Equality Disability Integration and Youth (DECDIY) administered by Pobal.
Childminder bursary – For Childminders who are registered with Tusla and hold a Level 5 or Level 6 award on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ).
Since its establishment, over 5,000 early years educators have been supported to raise their qualification levels in Early Childhood Education and Care in line with the NFQ.
**The Learner Bursary Fund for 2024 is closed**
The main legal obligation when becoming self-employed is that Childminders must register as a self employed person with Revenue. Childminders pay tax on the profits from their business and on any other income that they have. The following link to Revenue provides guidance on registering as a
self-employed person: https://www.revenue.ie/en/starting-a-business/registering-for-tax/index.aspx
Childcare Services Relief
If you provide childminding services in your own home, you may claim childcare services relief each year. In order to qualify you must:
If another person provides childcare services with you in your home, the €15,000 income limit is divided between you.
How to claim the relief
Include the childcare service income in your Income Tax Return (Form 11). You must claim the relief on, or before, your tax return due date of 31 October.
Click here for more information on the Childminders Tax Relief Scheme
National Action Plan for Childminding 2021-2028
Easy Read- Draft Regulations for Childminders English
Easy Read-Draft Regulations for Childminders Irish
Draft Childminding Regulations English
Online Survey- Draft Childminding Regulations
Summary for Childminders on the National Action Plan for Childminders
Pathway of the Childminding Action Plan
Childminding Ireland sector updates
Childminding Sample Policies and Procedures
Childminding Ireland Current Covid-19 Guidance and Information
Barnardos Resources – Guidance for Childminders
Guidance for Childminders: Partnership with Parents – Barnardos Ireland Online Shop
Guidance for Childminders: Providing for Play – Barnardos Ireland Online Shop
Guidance for Childminders: Stories and Storytelling – Barnardos Ireland Online Shop
Guidance for Childminders: Supporting Language Development – Barnardos Ireland Online Shop
Guidance for Childminders: Understanding Children’s Behaviour – Barnardos Ireland Online Shop
Guidance for Childminders: Settling In and Developing Relationships – Barnardos Ireland Online Shop
The Role of the Childminder in Early Learning – Barnardos Ireland Online Shop
Barnardos Journal Child Links
Roscommon County Childcare Committee
Knock Road, Castlerea, Co. Roscommon
Tel: 094 962 2540