April 6, 2020
DCYA update on Wage Subsidy Childcare Scheme Update & Payments for ELC and SAC programmes on an ex-gratia basis up until 10 April 2020
PIP Announcement
Dear Providers
Further to previous communications that have issued in recent weeks, DCYA has been working intensively on the new Wage Subsidy Childcare Scheme to support the Early Learning and Care and School-Age Childcare sector at this extremely difficult time.
We are working closely with Revenue and other partners across Government on how the Revenue’s Wage Subsidy Scheme and the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection’s Pandemic Unemployment Payment will interact with the DCYA Wage Subsidy Childcare Scheme.
We have made significant progress, but unfortunately the DCYA Wage Subsidy Childcare Scheme is not yet ready to launch.
In the interim, as a sustainability measure and pending the finalisation of the new scheme, DCYA will continue to make payments for ELC and SAC programmes based on service calendars on an ex-gratia basis up until 10 April 2020.
Services continue to have access to the Wage Subsidy Scheme and other Government supports listed in our recent FAQs.
We regret the delay in finalising this complex new scheme and thank you for your patience at this challenging time. We are however, as stated, making significant progress and we will continue to work on this over the weekend.
We will revert to you as soon as possible.
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