DCYA Update on Payments
Approximately €4m in payments will issue from Pobal to relevant providers on Wednesday and should be in accounts on Thursday the 9th.
Payments are individualised by contracted ELC and SAC service according to current child registrations and their calendar for the period 6-10th only. (Note for those delivering the NCS: the two weeks of 30 March to 3 April and 6 April to 10 April are due for payment on 9 April.)
This is the total amount that would have been expected by services, and committed by DCYA, before COVID, for the week Monday 6 April to Friday 10 April. It includes CCS, NCS, TEC and a small amount for ECCE.
The smaller amount for ECCE reflects that most ECCE services were due to be closed for Easter.
DCYA cannot confirm a date for the new WSCS funding agreement but is working intensively, and significant progress has been made.
Services are reminded that the WSCS layers on top of the Revenue scheme (WSS) and hence services wishing to avail of the new DCYA scheme must be registered for WSS first.
Early Years Division
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