February 26, 2020
Tusla Guidance document – re-registration 26.02.2020
Tusla have issued an update and a comprehensive guidance document regarding Phase II of re-registration. This update and guidance can be found here on Tusla’s website. Once you have read through the guidance if you have specific queries or need support please contact us here at Roscommon CCC or your local support organisation.
- Roscommon CCC contact details are Tel: 0949622540 Email: info@roscommonchildcare.ie Web: roscommonchildcare.ie
- Local CCC contact details can be found on www.myccc.ie
- Early Childhood Ireland (members and non-members)
Early Years Employer Service (EYES)
P: 01 4057103 E: eyes@earlychildhoodireland.ie
- Barnardos Information Service P: 01 4549699 E: resources@barnardos.ie
- Childminding Ireland P:01 287 8466 E:support@childminding.ie
- Comhar Naíoraí na Gaeltachta P: 091 595337 E: eolas@cnng.ie
- Gaelscoileanna P: 01 8535195 E: eolas@gaeloideachas.ie
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