The Finance and Impact Returns(FIRS) for December 2023 are available for completion on Pobal Online
Dear service provider,
The Finance and Impact Returns (FIRs) for December 2023 now need to be completed and should be submitted through Pobal Online.
The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) have advised:
- The importance for all community services to continue to submit FIRs to Pobal.
- These returns provide key information that allows DCEDIY and Pobal identify and help community services to resolve problems.
- They act as an informative tool for services in the effective planning of their financial future.
The deadline for submission is Friday, 2 February 2024 at 5pm and submissions should include information relating to September- December 2023 inclusive.
You can contact the Early Years Provider Centre (EYPC) with queries by raising a ‘Service Request’ on the Early Years Hive.
Please follow the steps below:
- Login to the Early Years Hive
- Select ‘Service Request’
- Select the programme: “Financial and Impact Returns”.
- Click the relevant sub-category.
The Pobal Early Years Team
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