Roscommon County Childcare Committee CLG Bulletin 31.01.2020
Dear Services,
Here are the important dates, deadlines and announcements for the week 27 – 31 January 2020.
Tuesday 4 February 2020
- CCSP December returns deadline (see PIP for details)
Friday 14 February – 2 March 2020
- CCSP Saver management window
Friday 13 March 2020
- Applications for FAR training reimbursement close (see below for details)
Friday 27 March 2020
- Payment date for successful FAR reimbursement applications
Friday 3 – Monday 20 April 2020
- CCSP saver management window
Friday 12 June 2020
- Applications for final FAR training reimbursement close
Friday 26 June 2020
- Final payment date for successful FAR reimbursement applications
Friday 26 June – Monday 20 July 2020
- CCSP saver management window
Service Payments for the day of protest
Yesterday Minister Zappone released a statement outlining that services would be paid for the day of protest if they made up the day:
‘Having considered the concerns and circumstances of the Childcare sector, Minister Zappone has instructed the Department of Children and Youth Affairs and Pobal to authorise payments to childcare services who close during the day of protest on February 5th.
Payments will be made on condition that Childcare Providers find an alternative, suitable date for parents to avail of childcare services in lieu of the day that the Service is closed.’
Information for schools and pre-school settings and parents of students/children on novel coronavirus nCoV-2019
A notice is on PIP with regard to the corona virus outbreak in China. We advise you to check the notice on PIP and to check the Health Protection Surveillance Centre website which is being regularly updated. The HSPC information can be found here.
FAR training reimbursement payments
As you are aware under the Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) Regulations 2016, a new regulatory requirement will come into force from June 1st, 2020. From then under Regulation 25, there must be a person(s) who has trained in FAR (First Aid Response) with a trainer approved by the Pre- Hospital Emergency Care Council (PHECC) available at all times.
Services can claim back the cost of one person attending FAR (either full or refresher) on behalf of your service. To do this is easy; you must submit the attached application form with a copy of the FAR certificate and a receipt for the cost of the course. The maximum that can be claimed is €225 per full course and €175 per refresher course.
The training: on completion of this 3-day/18 hr course, the First Aid Responder will be equipped with the necessary practical skills, knowledge and confidence to give effective life support, diagnose and treat injuries or illness, and maintain care and comfort of a patient who has become suddenly ill or injured in the workplace or elsewhere until the arrival of emergency medical services.
There will be two remaining applications before the fund closes in June.
Q1. Application closing date: 13 March 2020 Payment date: 27 March 2020
Q2. Application closing date: 12 June 2020 Payment date: 26 June 2020
The fund will be closed in June with no further applications accepted so make sure you get a course booked soon. Roscommon CCC FAR Reimbursement Application Form
FAR training reimbursement fund
This fund will close in June with the final application window closing on 12 June 2020. Don’t wait to book a course, we have no control over when or where or how often courses are offered. Book now to avoid disappointment!
If you have any queries or need further information, please contact us on 094 96 22540.
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