Portal Announcement: Important information on Emergency Measures 8 – 28 March 2021
Important information on Emergency Measures 8 – 28 March 2021
Dear Service Provider,
Full details of the funding arrangements for the period 8th March to 28th March were announced by the Government on Tuesday, 23rd February and can be found here.
Covid-19 Operating Support Payment (COSP)
This scheme has been extended to cover period 8th March to 28th March. All services eligible for COSP will be required to accept the terms and conditions of funding including:
During the period 8 March to 28 March, be open and providing ELC or SAC, or closed with permission of the Department or at the direction of the Government, Department or public health authorities;
Not charge parental fees for the period 8 March to 28 March, for any children who are not attending the service, whether or not they are receiving subsidy under any of the following Department funding schemes – NCS, ECCE, CCSP and TEC;
Maintain places for all children in the service, including those who do not attend between 8 March to 28 March;
Make all reasonable effort to retain all of the staff in the service;
Make all reasonable effort to engage with children not attending the service; and
Make all reasonable effort to engage staff who are not attending the premises to participate in continuing professional development or planning or administrative activities.
The COSP funding agreement will be available on HIVE from Friday, 12th March and further guidance on the application process will be published next week.
Force Majeure
Closed services must continue to apply for Force Majeure by raising a Service Request on Hive. Force Majeure applications will be reviewed and approved/declined accordingly. All approved closures, with the exception of those directed by public health, will be required to agree to the terms and conditions as outlined above in order to receive and/or maintain any funding from DCEDIY for this period. Please note force majeure will no longer be approved for services claiming no demand from 8th March 2021.
Payment Schedule
Eligible COSP services who have accepted the terms and condition of funding by COB on Monday, 15th March, will be paid on Friday, 19th March. Thereafter payments will be issued on a weekly basis.
Help and support
Should you have any queries in relation to the Covid 19 Operating Supports outlined above please contact the Early Years Provider Centre by raising a Request on Hive and selecting the following categories:
Request Type Detail: COSP General Query
Request Type: COSP
Programme Request: Covid 19 Supports
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