PIP Announcement: Suspension of the 4 Week Attendance Rule for Savers in the 2020/2021 CCSP Saver Programme
Suspension of the 4 Week Attendance Rule for Savers in the 2020/2021 CCSP Saver Programme
The Department of Children, has suspended the CCSP Saver Programme rule where an eligible Saver must be in attendance at a Tusla registered service within 4 weeks of the service opening. DCYA will now allow an eligible Saver to maintain their saver status if in attendance and registered on PIP before the close of current programme year i.e. up to and including Friday 13th August 2021 in order. The CCSP Saver Programme rules document will be amended to reflect this important change.
As in previous programme years the registration will apply from the date the child first attends the service, it will not be backdated to the beginning of the programme year. Registrations can only be made on PIP during Saver Management Windows.
An eligible Saver is a child who was a beneficiary of the CCSP programme on the 15th November 2019, prior to the launch of the National Childcare Scheme subject to the normal age rules of the CCSP programme.
It is important to note this is not a re-opening of the CCSP programme to new entrants.
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