September 22, 2020
PIP Announcement: ECCE Payments week ending 18 September 2020
Payments based on registrations submitted and approved on Early Years Hive (including Higher Capitation and Aim Level 1 applications), by COB Tuesday 15/09/20, were paid last week on 18/09/20. In addition, a Higher Capitation preliminary payment was made as per announcement of 15/09/2020.
Because this was the first time payments were made based on registrations on the new Early Years Hive platform, the payments were split into batches to enable necessary validation checks and as a result, there may be up to 3 payments indicated on the Hive for w/e 18/09/2020; this may have resulted in more than one payment in your bank account. However, the total received in your bank account will reflect what was due to your service up to 16/10/20. Future ECCE payments will revert to a single composite payment.
In addition, some service providers have been querying the amount they received – below is an explanation of how the payment was calculated:
· Payment amounts calculated based on registrations submitted and approved by COB Tuesday 15/09/20 for the period to 16/10/20, less any non-payable weeks;
· The amount calculated is then reduced by preliminary payments made – this may have resulted in some providers not receiving a payment this week
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