July 23, 2018
Roscommon CCC has been notified of the following notice on PIP- 23rd July 2018.
Services, further to the announcement posted to the PIP Portal on 11/05/2018, please note the following:
CCS/P Top Up payments have been distributed for all eligible services; if your service offered ECCE 2017 in addition to CCS/P 2017 you may have been entitled to a top-up payment for eligible registrations.
In order to qualify, your service must have been awarded the following under ECCE 2017:
· Higher Capitation
· LINC (AIM Level 1)
Top-up payment has been issued for:
Any child attending CCS or CCSP who would have otherwise been eligible to attend for ECCE i.e. any child born between 1st January 2013 and 31st March 2015 registered at your service for CCS/P 2017 instead of ECCE 2017.
Payment has been issued by way of a special allocation and has been uniquely identified on your Portal as such.
The payment has been based on the rates your service received for Higher Capitation (€10.50 per child per 5 day week) and LINC (€2.00 per child per 5 day week).
The following has also factored into your top-up calculation:
Attendance – Payment has been based on actual attendance e.g. if an eligible child is registered from 06.11.17 to 30.03.18 under CCSP, then top-up payment for LINC/Higher Capitation will cover that period only.
Allowance – Similarly, payment reflects service allowance for Higher Capitation/LINC e.g. if your service has been awarded Higher Capitation/LINC from 01.01.18 to 29.06.18, then top-up payment will only be made for eligible children registered during that period.
Higher Capitation CAP – If a service had already exceeded their Higher Capitation allowance under ECCE, a top-up under CCS/P will not apply.
F.T.E. – Payment has been adjusted to reflect attendance less than 5 days.
Service Calendars – Payment applies for payable weeks only.
If you have any queries on the above, please contact Online Support on 01 5117 222, or onlinesupport@pobal.ie
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