NCS Service Provider Compliance
Pobal is conducting compliance checks on the National Childcare Scheme. Pobal, in its role as scheme administrator for the National Childcare Scheme (NCS), has responsibility to conduct compliance checks under the scheme.
The NCS Service Provider compliance checks are being carried out remotely (desk-based) for the time being in line with public health advice. Services who are selected for NCS compliance checks will be required to submit the relevant documents requested by Pobal, who will then review them. This may involve additional correspondence where clarifications are sought.
As this is a new Scheme and to help with the compliance process, Service Providers are being asked to attend a webinar and an invitation to the webinar will issue separately.
In addition, the following documents are available on the Early Years Hive to support services in relation to the compliance process:
- Compliance Guide for Service Providers – a guide on the NCS compliance process
- Compliance Checklist – a checklist to help services to make sure they have all relevant documentation ready for any unannounced compliance visit
- Follow-up Checklist – a checklist summarising what actions services can take to rectify matters if a service is found to be non-compliant
Please note – these documents are only supports, intended to assist you. There is an onus on each service provider to familiarise themselves with their responsibilities under the relevant NCS legislation, guidelines and contractual conditions.
If your service is selected for compliance checks on the NCS and you are experiencing difficulties in responding to Pobal’s compliance requests, we would urge you to contact us as soon as possible. You can do this by raising a Compliance Request on the Early Years Hive or by emailing for assistance, as soon as possible.
It must be noted that services have a duty to abide by scheme rules and funding agreements, which include cooperation with the compliance process.
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