May 11, 2018
ECCE Payments – PIP Announcement
Friday 11th May 2018.
This is a reminder for ECCE services that the last batch payment for the current programme call will be made on Friday 18 May as per the current Payment Schedule.
Prior to this date, services are requested to review all ECCE 2017 registrations by C.O.B. 14 May to ensure:
· All eligible children are registered on PIP.
· Registration details reflect actual attendance in accordance with Programme Rules i.e. correct days/weeks/session type.
· Any child that has left the service is accurately represented on the system, including:
– Leavers
– Absences greater than 4 weeks
– Non-attendees
· Amendments as recommended by the Compliance Team have been made.
· LINC (AIM Level 1) is being received for relevant weeks – see Special Allocations Tab on PIP Portal. Any issues should be directed to the AIM Team at aimteam@pobal.ie at your earliest convenience.
· Higher Capitation is being received for relevant weeks and the correct F.T.E. Cap is being applied – see Special Allocations Tab on PIP Portal. Any issues should be directed to the DCYA at eccehighercap@dcya.gov.ie at your earliest convenience.
Please Note:
Weekly catch-up payments for new registrations, registrations with increased level of attendance, new LINC awards, and new Higher Capitation awards will continue to be made to services until mid-July as per the current Payment Schedule.
Any changes made after C.O.B. 14 May for leavers, registrations with reduced level of attendance, reduced LINC award, reduced Higher Capitation award, may lead to an overpayment.
Overpayments may be deducted from future monies due to services e.g. Programme Support Payment, CCS/P or TEC Contracts. In the event that funds cannot be reclaimed in the current Programme Call, overpayments may be carried forward and deducted from 2018/2019 payments.
If you have any queries please contact Pobal Online Support on 01-5117222 or onlinesupport@pobal.ie.
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