July 3, 2020
Early Years Hive – NCS Registration Check
Following the reopening of NCS for registrations this week, we are aware that some services have not fully submitted their NCS claims for children returning to their services.
To check that a registration has been successful, go to NCS registrations on the Early Years Hive:
If the registration is appearing under the “Current” tab, you have already successfully reactivated it and no further action is required.
If the registration is still appearing under the “Past” tab, you will need to fully complete adding weeks onto this claim.
To complete a registration, you should follow this guide ensuring you get to the final stage of the process and receive the message “Your Registration has been submitted successfully”. You should then be able to see the registration under “Current”.
Please check all registrations for the week beginning Monday, 29th June are correctly reflected on the Early Years Hive by 10pm Sunday, 5th July to ensure there is no issue with payment of these registrations next week.
Please note retrospective payments cannot be made for registrations not correctly submitted on time.
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