DCYA Announcement regarding the launch of a range of online resources and guidance to support service providers
Today the Department of Children and Youth Affairs has launched a range of online resources and guidance to support service providers, practitioners and parents to prepare for the reopening of Early Learning and Care and School-Age Childcare settings, including childminders. The Guidance for Reopening webpage is available on the First 5 website https://first5.gov.ie/practitioners/reopening.
Some resources are already published, and others will be added in the coming days and weeks. The web-page will be regularly updated, so please check back. Irish-language resources will be available in the coming days.
Acknowledging that sometimes the volume of information available can feel overwhelming and hard to manage, the new webpage aims to make it easy for you to navigate and find the information and guidance you need.
The Department would like to thank the many organisations that have developed and given advice on these resources and guidance. The webpage notes some resources that are still being developed and will be available soon. If there is further guidance you feel you need, please let us know through your representative organisation or local City/County Childcare Committee.
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