Child Care (Amendment) Bill 2023 – Childminding
The Government has approved the drafting of the Child Care (Amendment) Bill 2023. The Bill, when enacted, will revise and update the Child Care Act 1991 including Part VIIA of the Act which covers the regulation of early years services which includes childminding. The General Scheme of the Child Care Act (Amendment) Bill 2023 has been published on the Department’s website.
Head 39 Amendment to Section 58L of Principal Act page 70
The exemption that prevents many childminders from registering with Tusla are to be removed in line with National Action Plan for Childminding 2021-2028. This will allow the Minister to introduce childminder specific regulations.
Head 32 Transitional Arrangements for Registration of Childminders page 60 – 61
The Principal Act is amended by the insertion of the following section after section 58D:
A transitional period of three years will apply to the registration of persons providing a childminding service, as defined under Section 58A, from the date of introduction of childminder specific regulations under Section 58B.
This means that childminders will have three years to register with Tusla following the enactment of the new regulations before it becomes mandatory. Any childminder who wishes to remain under the current arrangements would be classified as a single operator early years service.
This Child Care (Amendment) Bill 2023 is in draft format and has yet to be enacted.
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