End-of-year NCS refresher webinar for Service Providers
End-of-year NCS refresher webinar for Service Providers
Dear Service Provider,
We are happy to announce that we are hosting and end-of-year Webinar covering common queries and issues with NCS on the Early Years Hive on Tuesday, 8th December and Wednesday, 9th December.
The following topics will be covered:
Common Services Provider scenarios (Demo on the Hive) – Calendars, Subsidised closers and Mid-terms
Common Queries/Errors with NCS on the Hive (PowerPoint) – Common Error messages when registering a CHICK and Understanding Bridging and Grace periods
Editing on the Hive – NCS and ECCE (brief Demo) – Editing ECCE Calendar, Ending claims/creating leaver, Registrations in Past, CHICK and non-term hours
Parent Portal (brief Demo) – Parent Applicant – Difference between adding a second child to an Application & selecting on a New Application.
The links for both Webinar session are below. There are 500 spaces for each session and it is a first come, first serve basis. If there is a large uptake on both evenings, we will run additional Webinars to cover all Service Providers. These links will be circulated again to Service Provider email addresses before both days below:
Tuesday 8th December at 6pm to 7:30pm – https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/627803958643930640
Wednesday 9th December at 5:30pm to 7:00pm – https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8095767198847444240
I hope you can join us and the material will be circulated to those who attend after the Webinar.
Early Years Team
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