Review of the operating system for early learning and care and school-age childcare.
The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth has begun a review of the operating system for early learning and care and school-age childcare.
This review project will look at the systems and structures that govern ELC and SAC including the work of the department itself, Pobal, City and County Childcare Committees and the seven National Voluntary Childcare Organisation (ECI, NCN, Barnardos, NPC, Childminding Ireland, Steiner and Montessori organisations).
The review relates to the structures and organisations that oversee and govern the existing system, and not to individual service providers.
An independent consultant to the project will evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the current system and undertake an appraisal of alternative options for how the system could be designed. An Oversight Group with departmental representatives and external experts will use this analysis to make recommendations.
The Review has now begun and the Department will be requesting written submissions from key organisations in the sector over the coming weeks.
The project is due to conclude in summer 2021, at which point the Minister will bring proposals for change to Government.
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