€94,810 allocated to Early Years & School Aged Childcare Services in County Roscommon
€94,810 allocated to early years & School aged Childcare services in County Roscommon
Irene Cafferky Manager of Roscommon CCC was ‘delighted with the announcement on Monday June 10th by the Minister for Childcare and Youth Affairs, Dr Katherine Zappone that a total of €6.25m in Capital funding to be awarded to providers of Early Learning and Care and School Age Childcare this summer.’ Announcing this new funding, Minister Zappone said:
“Quality accessible affordable childcare requires investment. The funding being announced today will translate into over 3,600 new and extra spaces for children up to the age of 15. It is another step as we seek to address the decades of under-investment and neglect by successive governments. Overall Government investment in early learning and care has jumped 117% since 2015.”
Three childcare providers in County Roscommon received a total of €94,810, 1.5% of the overall funding.
This investment by the state and commitment to early years will greatly assist childcare providers in County Roscommon towards the creation of new places for 0-3 year olds, new school age childcare places, and essential fire safety improvements for community-owned services.
The Board, Manager and staff of Roscommon CCC would like to congratulate the following childcare services on their successful applications. Manager Irene Cafferky acknowledges that over the summer services will need to work on the drawdown of their allocation to ensure the deadline requirements are met and assure providers that our staff team will support them to meet deadlines if required.
Service Funding Awarded
Rooskey Community Company Limited by Guarantee €20,000
Rooskey Community Company Limited by Guarantee €50,000
Strokestown community Playschool Company Limited by Guarantee €19,905
Croghan Fairy Bush Company Limited by Guarantee €4,904
If you have any queries regarding this information, please contact Roscommon County Childcare Committee on 094-96 22540
Please click here to view DCYA press release
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